- Students are expected to behave in a disciplined and responsible manner at all time.
- Students are answerable to the authority for their misbehavior both inside and outside the school.
- Students should greet each other, staff members and guests politely and with due respect.
- Students should be in the school before the warning bell.
- All students should report to the school on the re-opening day of each term without fail.
- Students should abide by the standards of discipline set by the school.
- Students should use only English while conversing inside school campus.
- Students should develop the habit of regularity, punctuality and orderliness in all school work.
- Students are expected to be polite to one and all- both on and off the campus.
- Rubbish and waste material should be dumped in the dustbins provided on each floor and in every classroom.
- Chewing gums and any similar materials are not allowed in school
- Students are not permitted to wear or bring any valuable articles to the school.
- No student will be allowed to leave the school premises during school hours unless guardians / parents come and take wards with a written permission from the principal.
- Furniture and instruments are assets of the school and it is the responsibility of every student to ensure that no damage is done to them.
- Students should maintain proper discipline in the buses while commuting between school and home.
- Parents are welcome to come and meet the respective class/subject teachers to evaluate the academic and co-curricular progress of their ward on the last Saturday of each month. Parents would not be entertained on any other day of the month unless there is some emergency or authentic reason.
- The school expects maximum co-operation of the parents in order to ensure regularity and discipline of their ward inside and outside of the campus.
- Parents are expected to sign the remarks of the principal/teachers in the report card and Student’s Diary whenever required. Please consult the communicator for all matters related to school.
- No leave of absence will be granted to students without a written application signed by the parents and it will be granted only for authentic reasons. In case of illness a medical certificate should be produced.
- Ensure your child comes to school in the prescribed school uniform with combed hair, pruned nails and polished shoes.
- Kindly provide all necessary books and stationery to your ward. Children with contagious diseases and infections should not be sent to school till they are fully cured. Please ensure that while reporting back he/she brings a medical fitness certificate.
- Kindly attend the open house sessions on the specified dates mentioned in the school calendar. Answer sheets once shown will not be shown on any other day unless permission is taken in advance.
- Any change in the residential address should be notified to the school authorities early as possible.
- Any change in the residential address should be notified to the school authorities early as possible.
- The school has an integrated curriculum for preparing students through various steps for the AISSCE (All India Senior Secondary Certificate Examination) held by CBSE New Delhi.
- All Students have to compulsorily appear for the units tests and semester exam planned for the academic year and to be held on the notified dates.
- The promotion of the student is based upon his/her achievements in all the tests and semester exams taken together.
- If a child is not on a medical leave, he/she will be awarded out of the maximum marks for which he/she has appeared. No other leave will be entertained during the exam except on the discretion of the principal.
- Minimum of D grade in all subjects has to be secured for promotion.
- There is no provision for a separate exam in case of an emergency.
- Students up to class 8th have to secure at least 35% of the maximum marks to pass in each subject.
- Students of class 9th are required to secure at least 25% of the minimum marks to pass in each subject in summative exam.
- Students of class XI has to obtain 33% mark in theory as well as practical in all subjects.
- All Students must wear clean and prescribed uniform.
- Identity Cards to be worn regularly.
- Sports Uniform to be worn on Wednesdays.
- Students can wear any decent outfit/dress of their choice on their birthdays.
- The school fees can be paid on yearly / half yearly basis. First Semester Fees should be paid by first week of April and Second Semester fees should be paid by first week of October.
- Late Fees of Rs.500/- will be charged per month.
- Parents will be informed well in advance about any change in the fee structure and modes of payment
- Leave for more than 2 days will be granted only on written application from the parent / guardians.
- In case of sick leave note should be supported by medical certificate.
- If student continues to be absent for 10 days without the written permission of the Principal, his/her name will be struck off the rolls.
- If student continues to be absent for 10 days without the written permission of the Principal, his/her name will be struck off the rolls.
- Attendance before and after a short break/vacation is compulsory.
- Half day leaved or permission for leaving early will not be granted during exams or on any regular day.
- Stand in queue to board and alight from the bus.
- Bus monitors / teachers/conductors instruction should be obeyed in the moving bus.
- Allow the young students to be seated first.
- Do not argue or misbehave with conductor or drivers.
- Any type of misbehavior in bus justifies warning, suspension or dismissal as per the seriousness of mischief.
- Books from the Library will be issued only during the library period.
- The books must be examined before taking and any damage must be brought to the notice of the teacher or the librarian. The borrower will be held responsible for any damage done to the book while in his/her charge.
- In case of damaging a book, a fine will be charged.
- If a book is lost, librarian must be notified immediately. It must be replaced with a similar edition within a week or the cost of the book will be charged.
- No personal books, bags, Lunch Boxes are allowed in the library. Any personal book found shall be confiscated. Only notebooks may be taken into the library.
- Discipline and Silence must be maintained inside the library.
- Furniture must be treated respectfully.
- The school operates its buses on specific routes, depending on he number of students on the route.
- While we try our utmost to facilitate transport for our students, it will not always be possible to drop students at their doorstep because of long route or to accommodate request for changes.
- Once a route has been finalized, no changes/diversions will be entertained and parents are requested to co-operate.
- An addition to existing bus stops or revision or routes in entirely at the school’s discretion.
- Details of the bus routes are available at transport office.
- In the event that any special requests are to be made; parents are required to call the transport in-charge, not the driver except during emergencies.
- In case of change in your pick up/drop point contact the school authority in charge of transport.
- At the time of confirmation of admission, parents are asked to fill a transport request application for the confirmation of pick up and drop on the bus route.
- Parents should apply for an S.L.C. one month before the withdrawal.
- The S.L.C. will be issued only after full dues of the school have been paid.
- Those who wish to leave in the month of April must pay fees for the month of May.
- Application for the S.L.C. is attached at the end of Diary.
- Application is to be filled and submitted to school office one month advance before the academic year ends.
- If students leave in middle of session, he/she will have to pay the fees for that year.
- S.L.C. will be furnished only after two weeks and payment of all dues.
- Irregular attendance without medical reason.
- Disobedience of the School Rules
- Objectionable moral influence
- Disrespect and discourtesy to staff, authorities and school principal.
- Bringing forbidden things to school
REMEDIAL :-The vision behind it is to give one on one attention to needy students and bring up their level.
Learning can’t be confined in the class room. To relate it with the real life, the School actually takes children for various field trips where in they have hands on experience and practically observe or imply the knowledge they have gained.
If the child is caught with chit or exchanging paper of answer sheet, answer paper will be taken away immediately. Parents will be informed about It and deduction of marks (5 out of 20 marks and 20 out of 90 marks) for first time, second time-suspension and third time may lead to expulsion from school.
- Item will be taken away and will be given only to parents.
- If caught second time, item will be taken away and will be given back at the end if the year to the parents and suspension for a week.
- If any type of indiscipline will be done by student then it will be reported by helper (Bus in charge) to the office on the same day. An action would be taken against the child, along with telephonic acknowledgment to parents.
- If the same child is caught 3rd time, his/her transportation will be cancelled for a week.
Any sort of indiscipline/misbehavior by students in/outside the class should be reported to the class teacher immediately. If need arises, higher authorities will be involved. (Subject teacher—Class teacher—co-ordinator—Principal)
Damage of school furniture and school amenities will be charged from the responsible students. If not found the whole class will be responsible for the payment of furniture/ damage.
- 1st attempt – Counseling with student.
- 2nd attempt – Inform the Parents
- 3rd attempt – Suspension
- 1st attempt – Suspension of 3 to 8 days
- 2nd attempt – Dismissal (L.C.)
- 1st attempt – Verbal Warning
- 2nd attempt – Written (handbook) and telephonic acknowledgement to parents.
- 3rd attempt – Suspension or dismissal (L.C.)
Will lead to cancellation of P.E. and Hobby, Stay-Back or restriction to participate in competitions.
Send a proper note duly signed in the handbook to the class teacher at least before 3 days, if your child requires a leave. In case of emergency if a leave note couldn’t be sent priorly a written note should be sent on the next day with your child. Failing to do this can cause stay back for your child. Student will be allowed half day only in case of emergency. 80% attendance is a must for an individual to be promoted to the next class.
- 1st Warning : Verbal
- 2nd Warning : Written (Handbook)
- 3rd Warning : Telephonic acknowledgement to parents
- Last Step : Parents will be asked to pick up the child after assembly
- 1st warning : verbal and Written in notebook and should be signed by Parents.
- 2nd warning : Telephonic talk with parents
- 3rd Warning : Telephonic acknowledgement to parents
- Last step : Detention from 2:30 to 4:00pm and parents will pick up the child at 4:00pm.